June 23, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
Aside from the day job I spent a little more time designing the graph I started a couple days ago. I made good progress but I realized I need to find a way to automatically enter the data into the graph.  I don't think I can physically enter all the information manually. I believe I have about 250 data points per month; for the whole year that will be about 3000 individual lines I will need to draw. I need to develop a system to automate it...
What did you do today that you valued?
After work I had dinner with the family.  I also valued the time I spent working on my graph.
Did you learn anything today?
Yes.  I learned I need to automate the graph I am working on.  Also, Adobe Illustrator is a terrible solution to create graphs with lots of data.  What is nice about spreadsheet software is it is easy to create graphs and charts from data sets.  The problem with spreadsheets software is there is zero creativity with the charts and graphs tools included in the software. I need to find or create a solution; quickly.
Any other thoughts?
My sunburn from my weekend on the boat was not nearly as horrible as I thought it would be.  I hardly noticed it today.