June 24, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
The day job was very productive today. Laundry. After I got home from work I sat down and sketched for a while. I am trying to make an attempt to just sit down and sketch more often.  I finished the day with a run.
What did you do today that you valued?
Did you learn anything today?
I learned there is a thing called a co-op credit union. It is a bank office that services multiple credit unions. It is a strange concept and I am trying to wrap my head around it... However I am thinking there must be an application for a different industry.  I need to sort this out.

Is there anything you would like to do differently tomorrow?
If I spent my time tomorrow exactly like today I would be happy.  Otherwise, if I spent more time sketching it could be even better.

Any other thoughts?
I started this blog to force myself to reflect on my day and try to think deeper about how I spend my time and about the things I do.  I decided to answer a series of questions to keep my answers relevant.  Today I realized there isn't much point of considering what I have done without offering solutions to what I could do in the future.  So today, I added another question asking if there is anything I would like to do differently the next day.  I am hoping this new question will allow me to be more fulfilled with each passing day.