June 27, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
I spent 3 hours drawing after I got home from work.  I have been wanting to do that for a while now but something always interferes. It felt very productive and I tried improving on some of my skills.
What did you do today that you valued?
I really valued the time I spent sketching today.  

I am babysitting my roommate's dogs while they are out of town - I spent some time today playing with them. Growing up I never had a dog. I never actually thought I would like living with a dog but I honestly enjoy the two dogs I live with now.  I am not convinced I would ever want my own dog but I wouldn't rule it out.
Did you learn anything today?
In addition to the personal time data I collect, I also weigh myself every morning and record my weight. Today I did a linear regression comparing the amount of exercise I do to my weight. Rather than using all the daily data I instead used average weekly weight compared to total weekly exercise.  I honestly expected the results to show the more exercise I do the less I would weigh. However, the results were exactly opposite... Apparently I should stop exercising if I want to lose weight... I think the obvious answer is that my fat turns into muscle - and muscle weighs more than fat - so the more I exercise the more I would weigh.  However, I do not think this is correct.  I believe the correct explanation is when I weigh myself and I notice I have gained weight, I exercise more to try and lose the weight. I think a more accurate comparison might be to compare my average weekly weight to my previous weeks amount of exercise.  I might do that comparison next.

Is there anything you would like to do differently tomorrow?
I have plans tomorrow which will likely take most of my day so I will obviously do different things tomorrow... However, reflecting on my day today, I would like to avoid eating as much pizza as I did today and I would like to go for a run which I neglected to do today...

Any other thoughts?
I think I already covered everything that was on my mind today.