July 1, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
At work I assisted in the development of a tool to analyze documents.  I fear the new tool might one day replace my job...  It is akin to a factory worker building a robot to do his job...

I also spent time building the 'charts' and 'data' pages on this website. It was relatively simple but time consuming. Check them out!
What did you do today that you valued?
I really enjoyed helping with the software document tool. Although I would not want to write code for a living, I think I could possibly be a developer in an alternate universe. I enjoy the problem solving required and how the user should interact with the software.

After I got home from work I spent some time on the patio with friends drinking cocktails.
Did you learn anything today?
I am sure I learned something.

Is there anything you would like to do differently tomorrow?
Today was pretty good. If tomorrow turns out like today I would be happy. However, tomorrow I leave for vacation so tomorrow won't be anything like today, and thats okay with me.

Any other thoughts?
Summer is amazing. I do not like winter.