July 17, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
Today I got back to work on the motorcycle project. I received a call from the motorcycle shop and they said the sprockets I ordered had arrived a day early and were ready for pickup. After work I stopped at the store to pick up the sprockets on my way home. After I spent more time cleaning and making small repair on the bike it was time to install the new sprockets. It was at this point I realized the store had sold me the wrong size sprockets and chain... Needless to say, I could not complete the project. However, I did complete all the other repairs I had planned.
What did you do today that you valued?
I really valued the time working on the bike. After I wrapped up the motorcycle projects I went out for dinner with my parents. - That was valuable time.
Did you learn anything today?
Yes. The other day I was thinking about the phrase 'of course'; as in "of course I will go with you..." I was thinking about how I do not understand what the phrase means... It does not seem very logical for the variety of contexts it is used in. So today I did a little internet research to try and solve the mystery. The best explanation I could find was it being short for "it's a matter of course". Interesting.

Is there anything you would like to do differently tomorrow?

Any other thoughts?
Not tonight.