July 8, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
First day back to work after vacation - I had loads of work to catch up on - I needed to be productive. After work I spent time applying for a new position. It always amazes me how much time it takes to apply for a job. However, that time is theoretically productive so it is theoretically time well spent.
What did you do today that you valued?
Spending time with the roommates after work was enjoyable.
Did you learn anything today?
So yesterday; I had a debate with a few friends about the correct pronunciation of the word 'route'.  I believe the pronunciation should rhyme with 'out', my friends believed it should rhyme with 'boot'.  We came up with plenty of examples that contradicted each others opinions and we obviously refused to believe each other were correct.  I spent a little time trying to find a correct pronunciation today and I discovered both are actually correct... However, I did find this dialect study that actually shows the pronunciation that rhymes with 'boot' is more widely used. That was disappointing to me, I was certain the pronunciation that rhymes with 'boot' was completely incorrect and should never be used. I guess now I can no longer get upset when I hear the 'boot' pronunciation but I intend to continue to use the 'out' pronunciation.

Is there anything you would like to do differently tomorrow?
I feel like I did not commit enough time searching for a job today.  I like to spend more time on that project tomorrow.

Any other thoughts?
During my vacation I spent lots of time in the water and I ended up with swimmers ear.  This is the second time I have gotten it and it is very painful. I have been treating it and I hope the pain goes away soon... :(