July 9, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
After work I walked to the coffee shop near my office. When I am working on a freelance project the coffee shop is my go-to place. I have realized over time that I am completely unproductive at home - so if I need to work on a project I need to do it somewhere other than my house. I wish I had realized this when I was in high school, I probably would have done considerably better... Anyway, I wanted to prepare some submissions for some new jobs and I knew that I would struggle to do all I wanted at home.  I did not complete as many as I had hoped (I actually only completed one...) However, I ended up doing some other productive things instead that I would not have done at home so it was not a total waste - like the sketches below:

What did you do today that you valued?
I really valued my time at the coffee shop. I have spent many, many hours at the coffee shop working on freelance projects.  It has sort of become a second home for me. I made a decision before summer started that I wanted to take the summer of from freelance work because I had started to get burned out. I really enjoy the freelance projects I work on but with a full-time job it really takes a toll on me. Between my full-time job and freelance work I typically work thirteen hour days, that is not a sustainable schedule so I took the summer off. It was good to be back at the coffee shop today. I really enjoy being around people; and without the stress of a project it was rather relaxing.
Did you learn anything today?
I cannot think of anything significant...

Is there anything you would like to do differently tomorrow?
I might decide to do the same exact thing tomorrow.

Any other thoughts?
I really think I would enjoy moving to California.