July 23, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
Finally fixed my motorcycle sprocket/chain! After a few incorrect parts were ordered and discovered the bike had upgraded sprockets and chain I finally sorted it all out.  I also fixed the horrible rattle in the front of the Mustang. After returning home I packed for vacation tomorrow! that was productive I guess...
What did you do today that you valued?
I valued fixing my car and motorcycle. I really enjoy projects like that. Some people would rather take their car to someone to have it repaired. I personally enjoy fixing it myself and am completely confident in my abilities. After fixing the motorcycle I took a trip to test the repair and rode to my Grandmother's house. That was good valued family time.
Did you learn anything today?
More than likely.

Is there anything you would like to do differently tomorrow?
Well tomorrow I am leaving for vacation so my day is already planned... However, to answer the intended question, no, I was completely satisfied with my day and would not do anything differently.

Any other thoughts?
Good question.  Let me think about this.