July 14, 2014

What did you do today that was productive?
Outside of work I really didn't do anything productive... Today felt like a total waste.  I did some shopping for motorcycle parts during lunch which is theoretically productive. - but that's it...
What did you do today that you valued?
I have helped develop a new tool at work which I believe is going to be a total game changer.  I presented the tool to managers today who were thrilled.  I valued that experience.
Did you learn anything today?
I learned the same thing I learn over and over again; I learned I need to find productive things to do when I get home from work. I find it difficult to do the things I want when I am living with my friends.  A lot of the projects I want to work on could potentially make a little bit of a mess that would not make sense to clean until the project is complete. Living with my friends I hate to make any mess and leave it so I find I avoid projects all together.

Is there anything you would like to do differently tomorrow?
Tomorrow I plan to install the parts I purchased for the motorcycle.

Any other thoughts?
I prefer living with people. I like having people around but I am thinking about how it is affecting my productivity and preventing me from working on projects I would like to work on.  Perhaps it is time for me to move on...